Filtre centrifuge MultiCyclone 12

Le MultiCyclone récompensé de Waterco est un formidable préfiltre qui utilise le principe de la filtration centrifuge de l’eau et qui ne comprend aucune pièce mobile ni aucun matériau filtrant devant être nettoyé ou remplacé.

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  • Waterco’s award winning MultiCyclone is a brilliant pre-filtration device that works on the basis of centrifugal water filtration and is designed with no moving parts and no filter media to clean or replace.

  • Ease filter workload

    MultiCyclone pre-filters up to 80% of the filter’s incoming dirt load easing the workload of the swimming pool filter. As the MultiCyclone intercepts more and more dirt, the flow rate remains unchanged.

  • Minimise cartridge cleaning 

    The installation of a MultiCyclone as a pre-filter to a cartridge filter can reduce filter cartridge cleaning and replacement to once per swimming season and even up to once per year, depending on the size of the cartridge filter.

  • Minimise backwash frequency

    The installation of a MultiCyclone as a pre-filter to a sand filter can reduce its backwash frequency to once per year, resulting in a saving of up to 7,000 litres of water per year for an average domestic sized swimming pool.

  • Simple maintenance

    The MultiCyclone is easily cleaned by opening its purge valve. Only 15 litres of water is discharged to cleanse the MultiCyclone.

  • Warranty: MultiCyclone is covered by a 2 year warranty and 1 year warranty on labour. Commercial installations are covered by a 1 year warranty.

Minimise l’entretien du filtre et permet de faire des économies d’eau
Pas de matériau filtrant à nettoyer ou à remplacer
Convient aux installations nouvelles et existantes
Garantie de 2 ans


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